Bellevue Hospital Jamaica


A healthier choice for a healthier you.

Types of Tenders

The process of International Competitive Bidding (ICB) is implemented to ensure that all eligible and competent Bidders have an equal chance to compete for contracts by inviting participation from a broad pool. As a result, contractors, both local and foreign, are welcome to participate in this procurement opportunity.

  • To be considered for the contract, contractors must be registered with the National Contracts Commission (NCC). The Procuring Entity is also obligated to provide clear and timely communication of its requirements. Consequently, these opportunities are promoted globally through the United Nations Development Business (UNDB) Online or an appropriate international publication, as well as in a national daily newspaper.
  • As the procuring entity, it is our responsibility to provide:
  • Technical specifications that are drafted to permit the widest possible competition: and
  • formal Bidding Documents that are fair, non-restrictive, comprehensive and clearly describe the criteria method for evaluation and selection of the successful bidder

Procurement opportunities, also known as Local Competitive Bidding (LCB), are available to all suitably qualified contractors and those who are registered with the National Contracts Commission during the tender submission period. Advertisements for these opportunities are published in a widely circulated national newspaper daily.

The nature of the good/service/works required;
the contractor’s relevant experience;

  • the contractor’s past performance record; and
  • the contractor’s current financial and technical capacities.
  • Procurement through Limited Tender is not advertised. Contracts may be awarded in the following cases:
  • When no suitable tenders have been submitted in response to an International or Local Competitive Bidding procedure, on condition that the requirements of the initial tender are not substantially modified;
  • When, for technical reasons or reasons connected with the protection of exclusive rights, the contract may be performed only by a particular contractor and no reasonable alternative or substitute exists; and
  • For purchases made under exceptionally advantageous conditions, which only arise in the concise term in the case of unusual disposals, resulting for example, from liquidation, receivership or bankruptcy, and not for routine purchases from regular contractors

Often referred to as sole sourcing, is a unique limited tender process where only one contractor is invited to participate.

This method is utilised under the following circumstances:

Where the procurement is of a confidential nature

If a particular contractor has exclusive/proprietary rights in respect of goods, services or works

Where standardizing equipment is available from a specific source, and the Procuring entity has purchased goods, equipment or technology from a contractor, and additional supply is required for reasons of uniformity;

For research, experiment, study or development;

Follow on procurement, where a contractor has already provided goods, services or work and additional goods, services or works of a similar nature are required to complete the procurement requirements; or

For reasons of extreme urgency brought about by events unforeseen by the PrJamaica’s premier mental health institution obtained in time by means of International Competitive Bidding, Local Competitive Bidding or Limited Tender procedures


For queries, please contact the following:
Procurement Officer


Mental Health

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