Bellevue Hospital Jamaica

Oo Park

A Therapeutic Space


Under the guidance of CEO Suzette Buchanan, Bellevue Hospital decided to combine and enhance these areas, resulting in the creation of Oo Park. This park is named in recognition of Dr Myo Kyaw Oo, a psychiatrist who has dedicated his career to the hospital. Dr Oo’s passion for mental health spaces and his invaluable contributions led to this well-deserved honor.

Feature on Dr Myo Oo

Dr Myo Kyaw Oo, a senior medical officer at Bellevue Hospital, has been instrumental in the development of therapeutic spaces within the hospital. With a career spanning several decades, Dr Oo’s compassionate care has positively impacted countless patients. While humbled by the park’s naming, he emphasizes the importance of recognizing the hardworking staff who tirelessly serve the community.

Therapeutic value

Oo Park at Bellevue Hospital aims to provide a welcoming and soothing environment for all. Dr Oo emphasizes that exposure to this serene atmosphere can alleviate suffering and contribute to a positive healing experience. The park serves as a reminder of the essential role of green spaces in promoting physical and mental well-being.

Who it serves/benefits

Oo Park extends its invitation not only to hospital staff and residents but also to the wider public. Visitors can enjoy the therapeutic scenery, observing the graceful movements of ducks and peacocks. Dr Oo envisions a future where more hospitals and healthcare centers embrace the concept of healing environments, recognizing their profound impact on patients' overall health and recovery.


Mental Health

Begins Here